


Can we provide an SDK to artists and developers, which they can use to release fun casual mobile games, that implement a play-to-earn game mode?

By providing a Software Development Kit, we aim to support NFT creation on the blockchain and provide developers, with an entry to the RFOX ecosystem.
In this challenge, participants are to build a NFT Factory. The NFT Factory will enable anyone to create and share an NFT collection on a known marketplace.
How to respond to the Challenge?
  1. First, make sure you read all challenge statements in the RFOX MetaHack 2022.
  2. Select a challenge to attempt, and make sure you understand it fully.
  3. Bring your questions to the Information Session.
  4. Start building the product slide deck – Reach out to us if you need guidance or clarifications.
  5. Build the solution to the challenge, using the language and tools needed.
  6. Make the submission.
RFOX will provide:
  • Clear direction, guidelines and clarifications.
  • Tokens on the blockchain testnet.
  • NFTs minted on the blockchain testnet.
The above resources will be provided to the participants, after the Information Session.
Submission Must Include
Your submission must include:
  • Product slide deck – Needed to present/pitch your product.
  • A fully functional prototype integrated with a website – Needed to demo the product.
You will be judged on the following criteria:

1. Code Quality, defined as:
  • Completeness – How well does the code conform to the functional specifications and requirements of a project, in this case, the challenge.
  • Correctness – Structural quality, which relates to the maintainability of the code.
  • Correctness – Functional quality, which relates to the stability and robustness of the code.
2. Creativity in solving the problem statement:
  • Implement an architecture that can be easily maintained and extended.
  • Provide documentation with code samples.
3. Product ready – How close is the submission to a final product?
Qualification Criteria
  • This challenge is open to individuals, teams, as well as early-stage startups.
  • Submit the correct link to the code repository.
  • Make sure your repository includes the complete codebase (All the commits are done, documentation, install scripts, other resource files)
  • Solve only one of the challenges mentioned, and explicitly state which challenge you are taking on.
  • Own your code – Do not plagiarize. That will be grounds for instant disqualification.
  • Explicitly state other challenge dependencies and open-source licenses used in the challenge.
Submission Guidelines
You can submit your challenge by uploading it to a public Github.

You need to include:
  • Source code.
  • API end-point documentation.
  • Documentation for developers with code samples.
  • Architecture diagram.
  • How-to install/deploy.
  • Scripts and other resource files.
The winner will be awarded with:
  • KOGs NFTs Booster Pack.
  • RFOX VALT Avatar NFT.
  • Opportunity to join the internal development team at RFOX, as a programmer to carry on the work on the NFT Factory.

a. Blockchain agnostic architecture

b. Demo on the blockchains Solana, Immutable X, Tezos or Flow (Pick one)

c. Include one marketplace integration on the selected blockchain

d. Provide widget support for rapid web integration